
Ensure optimal performance and recovery for Daniel during the race by adhering to a tailored nutrition and hydration plan.

1. Carbohydrate Intake:

  • Maximum Intake: No more than 100 grams per hour.
  • Anticipated Intake: Between 60-80 grams of carbohydrates per hour for most of the race.
  • Delivery Method: The carbohydrates will be primarily consumed in liquid form via a carbohydrate drink mix.

Guideline: Always measure out the carbohydrate drink mix precisely before the race starts and/or before it is needed during the race, to ensure that it is cold when needed, and have it ready for easy access. Monitor Daniel’s intake frequently to ensure he’s consuming within the advised range. Bottles containing carbohydrate mix should be marked with hourly consumption levels.

2. Hydration Strategy:

  • Standard Conditions (< 80°F): Daniel should drink at least 750ml of electrolyte solution every hour.
  • Hot Conditions (≥ 80°F): His hydration needs will increase to between 1.0 – 1.5 liters per hour (minimum).
  • High Altitude (≥ 6,000 ft.): Daniel should increase intake to 1.0 to 1.5 liters per hour (minimum).

Guideline: The volumes listed above are estimates only; actual needs may vary with. Monitor weather forecasts and adjust hydration preparations accordingly. Always have a surplus of electrolyte solution on hand, especially if warmer conditions are anticipated.

3. Protein Recovery Intake:

  • Frequency: Daniel plans to consume a protein recovery shake every four hours during the race.
  • Special Consideration: A protein shake should be prepared and ready for him on arrival at each time station and at the finish line.

Guideline: Ensure that the protein shake mix is mixed well and stored in a cool place. Check the product’s guidelines for any specific mixing instructions or storage recommendations.

Final Thoughts and Reminders:

  • Monitor and Adjust: While this plan is based on anticipated needs, actual consumption may vary based on real-time conditions and Daniel’s feedback. Always be prepared to adjust based on his needs.
  • Feedback: Regularly check with Daniel on how he’s feeling. Any signs of cramps, fatigue, or dehydration may require adjustments to the plan. This will be done via face-to-face communication at SAG locations and via radio when crew passes Daniel en route to next SAG location. (See Communication Plan and Protocols).
  • Leapfrog Support Strategy: At each designated SAG location, the support crew will provide nutrition and hydration as needed, make a log of the Daniel’s consumption, and prepare bottles for the next SAG location.
  • Time Station Strategy: As each time station approaches, get the protein recovery shake ready and ensure all hydration bottles are refilled, pre-mixed, and easily accessible.
  • Safety: In case of any signs of severe dehydration, fatigue, or other concerning symptoms, prioritize Daniel’s health and consult medical personnel if necessary.

Implementing this nutrition and hydration strategy will play a vital role in ensuring Daniel’s performance is optimal and his recovery is efficient. Always be proactive, attentive, and responsive to his needs throughout the race.

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